Culture Shock! Bolivia - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Grace) #1


‘To a wanderer in a snow covered fi eld, a dried up prune
or an old crust of bread tasted more delicious than
a whole meal here with the prosperous guildsmen’.
—Hermann Hesse

Where is Bolivia? Club Med doesn’t know, leaving lush
semitropical swimming holes without sleek, manicured
tourists. Pop-stars don’t care, so Bolivia must be content with
centuries-old harmonies and dance steps, as well as its home-
grown fusion music, Latin, rock and jazz. Corporate giants
and pop culture icons have not yet discovered Bolivia, which
means that Bolivia must not exist.
At a Washington DC university Spanish class, I asked my
students to write down the names of the countries they knew
of in Latin America. None of them named Bolivia. (One wrote
down Puerto Vallarta, a beach town in Mexico.)
One Cold War rumour referred to remote Bolivia as the
safest place to hide during a nuclear war. Since this country
was of no strategic importance, neither side had any reason
to blow it to bits.

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