Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

100 CultureShock! Chile

canisters. Arrangements can be made with any of a number
of companies that will pick up the old gas canisters and
deliver new ones when needed. Or, you can purchase a
new canister from a truck that passes up and down the
streets. The workers bang the canisters to alert you of their
arrival. The gas estufa, like the kerosene estufa, also works
by using an open flame, but it gives off no fumes and can be
extinguished inside. Catalytic estufas use cleaner gas as fuel
and are healthier and safer, but more expensive.
Estufas are safe if used properly. Extra special care
should be taken if you have small children. Estufas should
not be used in bathrooms, left unattended or placed near
anything flammable, like curtains, and they must be turned
off before going to bed. Some mornings may be unbearable,
but that is part of the charm of living in Chile.
Along with estufas, fireplaces are making a comeback,
with newer, cleaner designs. Old style fireplaces cannot be
used in Santiago in winter, in observance of anti-pollution
laws. Salamandras, or cast-iron wood burning heaters, are
also very common.
Chileans often complain about the cold and you will
repeatedly hear the term friolento (a person who becomes
cold quite easily). Make sure that you have plenty of
blankets, long underwear and turtlenecks to prepare for
winter. Residents of northern Wisconsin, Chicago and even
Moscow have complained that the coldest winter they’ve ever
experienced was the one they spent in Santiago.


The califont is the gas water heater that is generally located
in the kitchen or bathroom. Many Chileans turn on the
califont and light the pilot light every time they wish to use
hot water, preferring not to leave it on when not in use.
Old califonts should probably continue to be completely
turned off when no longer needed for safety reasons. When
you turn on the hot water do not be surprised by the loud
whooshing noise it makes as it ignites to heat the water.
Getting the right water temperature can be somewhat tricky
and if the appliance is old, the temperature can change
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