Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Settling In 111

municipality of Santiago installed overhead police cameras
in the downtown area in order to deter crime. Their
presence, along with other measures, has helped reduce
crime in this zone by 20 per cent. Another area that should
be avoided at night is the Santa Lucia Hill. With all its nooks
and crannies, it is an ideal location for muggings. Even
during the day, women should not visit this park alone. The
park is perfectly safe if you go as part of a group and the
view from the top of the hill is well worth the steep climb.
Chile has a low murder rate, much lower than that of
other Latin American and North American cities. While
Chile remains a relatively safe country, there has been a
steady increase in property crimes in Santiago. Poorer
neighbourhoods (with higher rates of unemployment
and drug abuse) tend to have higher crime rates, but the
number of home invasions in wealthy areas is increasing. A
relatively new crime that has racked up a number of victims
is committed on the phone. People receive calls from a
“beloved nephew or grandson” asking for money or the
caller impersonates a police officer saying that a member
of the household has been in a car accident and needs cash
immediately to pay for damages. Be sure to educate your
maid about these schemes because they often fall prey and
may hand over your goods or cash.

The Police

The police in Chile are called the Carabineros. In any
type of emergency the best advice is to call them first at

  1. They will respond quickly and direct your call to any
    other agency needed, such as the fire department or an
    ambulance service. Bribes are not common practice in Chile
    and under no circumstances should you attempt to bribe
    a Carabinero. This will only get you into trouble. Chileans
    refer to the police as pacos, and although not an insult, the
    slang term is not preferred by the police themselves. The
    other branch of the Chilean police force is called Policía de
    Investigaciones (Investigations Unit). These are the plain-
    clothed police, or detectives.

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