Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

116 CultureShock! Chile

Cuidadores de Autos

Another common sight in Chile is the parking attendant,
called a cuidador de autos. Many places where you park your
car, be it on the street or in a private lot, within seconds a
man or woman with a little handkerchief and/or flashlight
will run over to your car to help guide you in. They aren’t
really paying attention, so don’t rely on their assistance
too much. Supposedly they watch the cars in their ‘sector’
while the owners are away to protect them from robberies.
When leaving they once again help guide you out of your
spot and it is customary to give them a small tip.

10 de Julio

Many auto repair shops in Santiago are concentrated on
one street, 10 de Julio. In fact, on any given day this street
is filled with mechanics fixing cars randomly parked off to
the side. If the first shop doesn’t have the necessary part,
the mechanic will direct you to one further down the street.
At the first sign of car trouble, head for 10 de Julio; just

Metro is a safe, easy form of transportation in Santiago and is currently
being expanded.
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