Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Enjoying the Culture 189

were found in this cave. Today, a
large statue of a milodon is the
only thing to welcome you to
the cave. Tours to all of the local
attractions can be arranged in
Santiago or from Punta Arenas.
One of the most spectacular
locations in all of Chile is the
Torres del Paine National Park,
named a Biosphere Reserve by
UNESCO in 1978. The park offers amazing scenery and
is filled with a variety of plants and wild animals, such as
ñandues and guanacos. The most striking feature is the granite
towers known as the Cuernos (or the Horns).
Part of the reason this park remains unspoiled is because
of the modest amount of infrastructure. To really experience
this park and see the glaciers, lakes, rivers, mountains and
waterfalls, you should do some hiking. A hiking trail circles
the park, but it can only be completed during the summer
months by knowledgeable hikers. There are designated areas
for pitching tents (be careful, sometimes the wind is so strong
that it systematically and repeatedly uproots the tents). For
the very adventurous, there is glacier crossing, climbing and
kayaking. Many of those who do not want to rough it, chose
to stay in a shelter (refugio) or hotel (ranging from simple to
five-star) and make day trips. Refugios, spread throughout the
park, are small wooden huts with a couple of bunk rooms, a
common area and a kitchen. You can pay to have the cook
make you a meal, or you can prepare your own food that
you brought with you. The bunkbeds are bare, so you need
to supply your own sleeping bag.


Throughout Chile you can find accommodations for all
budgets. At the lower end are hospedajes, which are family
homes with rooms for rent that normally include breakfast
and a shared bathroom and sitting room. Residencias or
residenciales are small hotels and pensiones offer a private
bath. If travelling to the beach or a lake, cabañas (cabins)

International Travel

Living in Santiago makes it easier
to travel to Latin America’s most
popular destinations. There are
regular flights to Rio de Janeiro,
Lima and Buenos Aires, among
other cities. Or, plan a trip to see
the ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru.
Travel agents in Santiago can help
you plan your trip and provide
information on the necessary
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