Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Language 199

Chilean Slang English Meaning

al tiro quickly

Bachichas Italians

Beatle turtleneck (in deference to the
Fab Four)

cabros kids

cachai? “Get it?” added to the end of
many sentences

cacharro auto

cachureo junk, things of low value

cartera purse (not wallet as in other
Spanish-speaking countries)


Spaniards, called so because of
how often the Spanish use this
offensive expletive


a conservative person, generally of
a socio-economic class above one’s
own, a snob, someone who flaunts
his/her wealth

chaleco cardigan or vest

Ches Argentineans


Peruvians or Bolivians, also a
degrading term for Indians

choro an exclamation similar to cool!

choreado to be infuriated or bored.

chomba or chompa sweater

chupamedias or

someone who sucks up to his/her

darse vuelta la
chaqueta to change political affiliation

dije nice

es lo que hay

what you see is what you get, has a
negative tone.

falluto or chueco one who is not always correct

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