Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

212 CultureShock! Chile

is the heart of the mining industry and the Central Valley is
famous for its wines and agricultural produce. Forestry, fishing
and tourism bring in dollars in the south. As a result, Chile
now exports more than 3,400 distinct products. Some of the
most important sectors of the economy are listed below.


Mining was and continues to be a fundamental component
of the Chilean economy. Nitrate deposits in the northern
regions were big business during the second half of the
nineteenth century, so much so that it was called ‘white
gold’. At its height, there were over 60 mines in the Atacama
Desert with 15,000 workers. However, synthetic nitrates
invented by the Germans during World War I offered a
cheap alternative and soon the desert was littered with
abandoned mines and ghost towns. Fortunately, nitrate was
not the only valuable mineral in the northern desert. Chile
has the world’s largest reserves of copper (around one-
quarter of global supplies) and is the number one exporter
of copper in the world. Chile has the second largest reserves
of lithium, substantial reserves of iron, silver, salt, zinc,
manganese, molybdenum, gold, coal, iodine and moderate

A high percentage of Chilean exports pass through Valparaíso, one of the
country’s principle ports.
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