Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

216 CultureShock! Chile

in regional distribution and logistics. Chile was ranked the
most competitive nation in the region, even higher than
some European nations, in the 2006 Global Competitiveness
Report. Furthermore, foreign investors are treated the same
as Chilean investors.
This rise in foreign investment has been accompanied by
a change in attitude. Foreign capital is now seen as a business
partner in the country’s development. This is a drastic change
from the 1960s when the predominant view was that multi-
national corporations served only to strip the country of its
wealth without stimulating further development.

Investment Abroad

Not only does Chile receive a great deal of foreign capital,
but Chilean firms themselves are also investing abroad.
A majority of investments have been made in Argentina.
Chilean firms also have interests in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
and Ecuador. Chilean corporations are investing in sectors
such as banking, insurance, supermarkets, electricity
distribution, telecommunications, computer software and

The explosive growth of the Chilean economy is refl ected in the
dramatic increase of new construction.
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