Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Doing Business 219

direct experience with foreigners. Each industry is unique
and because foreigners are involved in widely differing
sectors from finance to hospitality to infrastructure, this
section can provide only sweeping generalisations.

Cultural Differences

In general, those who work in a branch office of a
multinational corporation will encounter an overall work
ethic close to that of the parent country. Nevertheless, when
dealing with Chileans, either as clients or employees, even
minor cultural differences must be taken into consideration.
The most obvious differences are summarised below.

Business Meetings

Chileans tend to conduct their business affairs in the office.
Unlike in many other countries where a major business deal
is hammered out over an extended lunch, on the golf course
or at a nightclub, Chileans close the deal in a formal business
setting. It is very important to reconfirm any meeting or
appointment prior to the actual date.
Most offices have more than one telephone number. This
is a holdover from the days when it was cheaper to add
another line than to install a switchboard. Calling any of the
numbers listed will put you in contact with the receptionist.
It is also common practice in Chile for the secretary to screen
and place most of her boss’s calls. In the past, callers were
attended to rather quickly, but today, with the sharp increase
in business activity, people tend to be left on hold more often
and for longer periods of time.
Punctuality should be observed in all business matters.
Most business meetings begin with a handshake, regardless
of the gender of those involved, especially if you are meeting
for the first time. If the business relationship borders on a
friendship, the greetings may be more demonstrative. Close
associates may kiss each other on the cheek (if one is a
woman) or they may embrace (if both are men).
Rushing straightforward into the topic of the meeting
would be considered brash and rude. Business is conducted
between two people, not between two firms, and as

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