Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
220 CultureShock! Chile

such a personal relationship
needs to be developed. Chileans
will always inquire about your
family. This is not considered
prying, but rather a friendly sign
that they are truly interested.
You should always ask about
their families as well. If time
is not a problem, it would be
a good idea to briefly bring
up other topics like Chilean
wines, the salmon industry, the
pension system or the economy
in general before getting to the
heart of the matter. It shows
that you have taken the time
to learn about Chile and also
gives Chileans an opportunity to boast about how well their
country is doing.
In keeping with the Chilean belief that plain is better and
fancy is in bad taste, business cards should be kept very
simple. Name, title, firm and contact information should be
written in plain script. Do not attempt to dress it up with
fancy colours, emblems or ornate logos.
Latin America is synonymous with graft for many people.
This stereotype may have some basis in other countries, but
in reality Chileans are generally honest. Grafting on all levels
is considered a serious offense. In your business dealings
with Chilean public officials you should be very careful
not to imply that bribery is a bargaining tool.

Conducting Business in Chile
„ Do arrive on time
„ Do conduct business in an office
„ Do dress conservatively
„ Do take time to inquire about family (make it personal)
„ Do not offer bribes

For those who do not have a
specific job but would like to work
in Chile it is always risky to arrive
in a country without any concrete
leads. It is not impossible for a
foreigner to find work in Chile in a
corporation or non-governmental
organization, but it will take a lot of
dedication and a little luck. If you
have any pitutos (connections)
your search may prove more
fruitful. Many Americans who set
off to Chile in search of work end
up as private English teachers
and, although financially this line
of work is viable, professionally it
may not be the best alternative
for you. If you cannot find a job,
you will be unable to secure a visa
to stay in Chile on a long-term
basis and will have to exit every
three months.

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