Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Doing Business 221

The Office Environment

Most likely you will experience some subtle differences
between the Chilean workplace and the one to which you
are accustomed. One major distinction is that the concept
of “I’ll get right on it!” does not exist in Chile. If you ask
someone to do a specific task, do not expect them to drop
what they are doing to attend to your request. Regardless
of the importance of the matter, the Chilean will most likely
say, “Yes, okay,” which means “Just leave it with me and
I’ll get it done by the deadline.” It will get done, but most
things are done at the last minute, some only with prodding
by nervous co-workers or bosses.
Chile ranks among the countries with the highest number
of working hours per year. On average, Chileans work well
over 2,000 hours a year, yet this does not necessarily translate
into higher productivity.
One Chilean Undersecretary of Labour blamed it on the
fact that Chileans tend to put things off, meaning they have to
stay later at the office or go in on Saturdays. He also thought

Many Chileans are now employed in the fast growing service sector.

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