Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

222 CultureShock! Chile

that Chileans do not work well in groups, or administer their
time wisely. Of course, these are generalisations and, as in
any culture, there are all types of workers. Moreover, it is
important to remember that although Chileans are not as
organised and productive as they potentially could be, the
economy continues to do very well.
When Chileans work in groups on a specific project
there is a tendency for one or two leaders to emerge.
These leaders rise up to take responsibility and become
much more involved in the project. As a result, they work
much harder than the rest, who tend to lay back and let
the others take control. Therefore, if questions or concerns
arise, these members of the group appear to be ‘passing the
buck’ instead of dealing with them head-on. It is important
to determine which employees are actively involved in a
specific project.
The ability to speak Spanish is a very important tool
for anyone working in Chile. Most educated Chileans can
read English and understand English, but not all are fluent.
Thus, being able to speak and undrstand Spanish will not
only impress your colleagues, but will help you to do your
job well.

Guía Silber
The Guía Silber is a must for anyone wishing to do business in
Chile. For those who are in Chile looking for work, it is the best
place to begin. The Guía Silber is a comprehensive list providing
the address and contact numbers of all government agencies,
corporations, universities, non-governmental organisations,
political parties, etc. However, it is not for sale in any bookstore.
It must be purchased directly from the publisher, Silber Editores.
It can be ordered online at their website (http://www.guiasilber.
com). The phone number in Santiago is (02) 232-2400. The
Publiguias Publishing House produces good business reference
guides (including the Yellow Pages or Paginas Amarillas). The
Internet is a growing source of valuable information. Overall,
reference material in Chile is good and up to date.
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