Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

236 CultureShock! Chile

Soledad Alvear

Senator and former Minister, she is also leader of the Christian
Democratic Party.

Pablo Neruda

Poet who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971

Gabriela Mistral

Poet who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945.

Isabel Allende

Popular author of several novels and memoirs.

José Donoso

Well-known author and member of the Latin American

Padre Alberto Hurtado

Priest who took care of homeless children and founded the
Hogar de Cristo foundation. He died in 1952 and was made
a Saint in 2005.

Cecilia Bolocco

She was crowned Miss Universe in 1987.

Marcelo Ríos

Top-seeded tennis player. He was the first Latin American
player to reach the number one position.

Nicolás Massú

Tennis player. He won two gold medals at the Athens Summer
Olympics in 2004.

Don Francisco

Host of the popular Sabado Gigante televisión programme
seen throughout Latin America.

Roberto Matta (1911-2002)

Famous surrealist painter.
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