Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Fast Facts 237

Claudio Arrau (1903-1991)

Highly respected classical pianist.

Eliseo Salazar

Retired, international race car driver who has competed in the
Gran Prix of Monaco, Le Mans and the Indianapolis 500.


„ Lago Chungará—beautiful emerald lake up in the Altiplano
surrounded by volcanoes.
„ Town of La Tirana—go for the colourful La Tirana festival
in July.
„ San Pedro de Atacama—picturesque town famous for its
colonial church and archeological museum.
„ Valle de la Luna—valley that due to its mineral composition
and wind erosion gives the traveller the impression of
being on the moon. Near San Pedro de Atacama.
„ Tatio Geysers—geysers that erupt at sunrise daily
„ La Serena—beautiful city with long beaches. Visit the
nearby Valle del Elqui and the Gabriela Mistral Museum
in Vicuña.
„ Zapallar/Cachagua beaches—take your binoculars to
see the penguin colony on the island off of the beach
at Cachagua
„ Viña del Mar—Seaside resort with restaurants, beaches,
shopping and a casino.
„ Valparaíso—interesting city noted for the Pablo Neruda
house, funicular rides up the hills and port
„ Isla Negra— Pablo Neruda house with his collections of
ship’s mastheads and coloured glass
„ Viña Concha y Toro—vineyard near Santiago with tours,
wine shop and wine tasting
„ Viña Santa Rita—beautiful setting amid the mountains,
vineyard offers tours, wine tasting and a nice restaurant
„ Cajón del Maipo—canyon just southeast of Santiago that
is perfect for daytrips. Various activities include swimming,
hiking and horseback riding. There are many restaurants
and simple hotels if you want to spend the night.
„ Pomaire—small town near Santiago known for its pottery.

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