Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1


You are a businessperson who studied in Chile. You have an
appointment with a local Chilean firm and you are delighted
to encounter an old school friend who is now a manager at
the firm. Your appointment is actually with your friend’s
superior, who is a good deal older than you. Later, your
friend invites you home to meet his spouse, children and
parents, who all live together. At dinner, you are served by
the maid, who is an excellent cook, and you compliment her
cooking abilities. Should you use tú or Usted with the a) friend
b) superior c) spouse d) children e) parents f) maid?


Your friend should be addressed as tú, as you probably began
the relationship on that basis when you were students, and
you are approximately the same age.


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