Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

246 CultureShock!CultureShock! Chile Chile


 is very unlikely. Most Chileans respect the Mapuche and
consider them to be an important part of Chile, although
disconnected from mainstream Chilean culture.
 is also unlikely, as Chileans have no problems
answering questions about their family history and actually
welcome your interest.
 is most likely the case. Although there was much
mixing between the Amerindians and the Spanish in the
early days of colonization, Chileans identify themselves as
mainly of European descent because the dominant culture
and language is European based. A much better question
to pose to a Chilean is from which part of the world their
ancestors came.


You are a businessperson who lives and works in Chile.
You would like to do something nice for a Chilean business
associate. You:
 Invite the Chilean for a round of golf at your club.
 Take the Chilean out to the nightclubs for a night
of drinking.
 Invite the Chilean to your home for dinner.


 While business smooching over a round of golf is
common in many countries, Chile has not been caught up
in the golfing craze. Chilean businesspeople are generally
not avid golfers and it would be uncomfortable for someone
to have to turn down your invitation because they don’t
know how to play. However, inviting the Chileans who are
already members of your golf club to a round would be a
perfect way to establish friendships.
 Again, a night of free drinks is de riguer in many lands
to cement a business relationship, but not particularly so in
Chile. Some Chileans may take you up on your offer, but this
behaviour is not expected. In addition, it may not be the exact
image you want to project. Others will politely refuse your
invitation. If you insist, you may come off as annoying.
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