Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

250 CultureShock!CultureShock! Chile Chile

„ Give the mailman a little money at the end of the month.
Technically you owe a couple of pesos for each piece of
mail delivered.
„ Protect against pollution, especially in winter, by avoiding
strenuous outdoor activities.
„ Cover your mouth when yawning.


„ Rush straight into business negotiations. Start by chatting.
„ Dress or behave in a flamboyant fashion. Err on the
conservative side, right down to your business card.
„ Chew gum in any formal or semi-formal situation.
„ Remove your shoes when entering a home.
„ Smoke at someone’s house without asking for
„ Be insulted if anyone calls you ‘gringo;’ it is used as a
term of endearment.
„ Be insulted by blunt comments on your appearance.
„ Ask others how much their personal items (e.g. jewellery
or watches) cost.
„ Assume that all Chileans are anti-Pinochet.
„ Leave your host’s home immediately after the meal.
Expect to stay at least an hour longer.
„ Bounce a check; it is illegal and you could face severe
„ Offer bribes.
„ Drive your car if you have Restricción due to a pollution
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