Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Further Reading 273

„ Miguel Littin is a well-known Chilean cinematographer.
He was forced into exile, but returned illegally during
the military dictatorship to make a documentary. García
Márquez, famous for his fiction, reverts to his origins as a
journalist to recount Littin’s experiences.

Mariana and the Merchild: A Folk Tale from Chile. Caroline
Pitcher, Jackie Morris (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.,
Grand Rapids, Michigan: 2002)
„ A children’s book with beautiful illustrations that retells a
Chilean folktale about a child from the sea.

The Story of the Seagull and the Cat that Taught her to Fly.
Luis Sepúlveda (Scholastic, New York: 2002).
„ A beautiful story for children and adults about keeping
your promises.

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