Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Overview of Land and History 27

Many Chileans speak of Frei Montalva with great respect.
During his term, land reforms and the nationalisation of the
copper industry were initiated. The middle and lower classes
were invited to participate in government. However, Frei was
prohibited by law from running for another term, and the
right, which never really backed the Christian Democrats’
reformist platform, withdrew their support and ran their
own candidate, Jorge Alessandri, in the presidential election
in 1970. The left again chose Salvador Allende, a Socialist
Senator. Allende won a plurality with 36.3 per cent of the
vote. Ironically, he won the presidency with fewer votes than
he had garnered in the 1964 election.

Salvador Allende

Allende’s victory marked the first time in history that
a Marxist had been legally and democratically elected
president of any country. He pledged a ‘transition to
socialism’ within the limits of the law. Allende completed the
nationalisation of the copper industry, which until then had
been controlled primarily by American firms. While most
Chileans supported this move, there was growing unrest
as the coal, steel and banking industries were targeted
for nationalisation. Private factories were taken over by
workers or by state appointed ‘overseers’ which led to a
decline in overall production. As goods disappeared from
store shelves, Chileans were forced to make purchases on
the black market. Anger and resentment brewed among
both the upper and middle classes and the international
community. The US called for an end to aid and credit.
Without the support of international agencies and the lack
of private foreign investment, things looked bleak.
It is important to understand the mood that existed
in Chile prior to the 1973 coup. Economic and political
problems affected a broad section of Chilean society. Workers
benefited from some of Allende’s policies—initially they
were enjoying higher wages and subsidised food prices
and actively participated in the community and workplace
—but the other sectors of society were negatively affected.
Many Chileans opposed the Socialist regime and feared the

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