Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1
Socialising 71

Making a Connection

Chilean society is, for the most part, warm and welcoming.
Whether you are in a social or business situation, the rules
of conduct are basically the same—a connection needs to be
made on a personal level. It is easy to establish a personal
rapport with acquaintances or colleagues merely by being
friendly and showing interest. Because of its importance in
Chilean society, common courtesy dictates that a person’s
family be one of the first topics of discussion. Furthermore, in
Chile, as in many other places, a willingness to learn about the
country and its people will start you off on the right foot.

Relations with Foreigners

You will undoubtedly meet many Chileans and it will be
possible for you to forge a lasting relationship with some.
Establishing such friendships is a bit easier if you are in
Chile by yourself. Chileans believe that if you are with your
family, your central needs are being met and therefore they
do not have to take you under their wing. It is precisely this
emphasis on family that has prevented some foreigners from
breaking into Chilean culture. Chileans show much more
concern for a person who is alone, and therefore extend
more invitations to those without family. This sentiment is
expressed by many Chileans who describe themselves as
abandonado y triste (abandoned and sad) when a spouse is
away on business or holiday.
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