Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

78 CultureShock! Chile

Inviting Chileans to Your Home

At some point in your stay you most likely will find it
necessary to invite some Chileans to your home. If you
remember the points above, you should do just fine. Expect
them to arrive a few minutes late and do not be offended. Do
not invite them over too early in the evening, because they
most likely will show up later anyhow. Eight o’clock or later
is a good time for an invitation. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres
should be followed by dinner, either sit down or buffet style
depending on the number of people invited. Coffee and tea
should be served only after dessert has been finished. Offer
after dinner drinks and sit back and enjoy the company
because your guests most likely will stay for awhile.

Hopefully you’ll be invited to an asado, where Chileans celebrate fi estas,
holidays, birthdays and sometimes just a warm summer day.
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