I have carried the Teachings of Abraham with me for almost three decades
now. When I was offered the opportunity to be in personal dialogue with what I
have long considered to be the Leading Edge wisdom on our planet today, I
immediately gave an enthusiastic response. Every time I reread this interplay
between myself and the collective disembodied wisdom of Abraham, I think of
the song title “Come Fly with Me.” Within the pages of this book is an
opportunity to soar to heights that you might never have previously imagined.
As I sat onstage talking to Esther, while listening to the amazing responses of
Abraham, I was totally captivated not only by what I was hearing, but by the
profound energy that was present in that large room that evening. I was like a
wide-eyed little boy in a candy store who could sample anything that he desired.
The teachings that are presented here in this book offer you, the reader, an
opportunity to use your own mind to co-create a life that is filled with
excitement, happiness, and a sense of staying on purpose at all times. Abraham
responded to all of my questions and comments in the no-nonsense style that has
always made me stop and contemplate the simple truths that lead to living a life
in total alignment with our Source of Being.
Many years ago, as a young doctoral student I encountered the wisdom that
was inherent in something called The Strangest Secret. Nine words put me on a
path of exploring the power that lies dormant within my own mind: You become
what you think about all day long. Here in this book, Abraham reminds me
throughout the entire evening dialogue that there are no exceptions to this
wondrous truth. Of all the books that I have produced and the works that I have
been blessed to offer to the world, I feel that what is being given to me by
Abraham in this exchange that you hold in your hands will be the most important
and practical information that you will ever receive. And for those who doubt
that such sagacious instruction could actually originate from the Non-Physical
realm, I ask you to consider the words attributed to Mark Twain: “It ain’t what
you don’t know that gets you into trouble; it’s what you know for sure that just