Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1


There’s a poet, William Wordsworth, who said, “Our birth is but a sleep
and a forgetting .... Heaven lies about us in our infancy.”

It is a forgetting in the sense that you don’t remember the details. But you
remember your worthiness. You know your value. You know you came with
purpose. That’s why when people try to tell you otherwise, you don’t take it
well, in the beginning. Over time they can condition you to let go of
remembering that, but you can spring back. Start tomorrow morning.

Yeah. But I’m thinking about all the parents out there. And how often
they do condition their children with “You can’t do this,” or “That’s not
possible,” or—

If we were giving one encouragement to parents, it would be to deliberately
choose your emotional disc—your alignment with who-you-really-are —and
then talk to your kids. Don’t let the subject at hand be the reason for choosing
your emotional disc. Don’t let the fact that they have misbehaved or disobeyed
be the reason that you feel the way you do.

Observing unwanted things causes you to choose the unwanted emotional
disc. Some have lifetimes of hating because of that. But you could choose what
you focus upon because you want to feel good, and then words that are inspired
will follow that. Remember that others have Inner Beings, too.

Your Inner Being knows everything that you’ve asked for. It’s swirling in this
vibrational reality. Your Inner Being knows everything that you want and where
you are right now in relationship to everything that you want. And your Inner
knows the path of least resistance to get you to your desire, you see. So
when you begin practicing what the path of least resistance feels like, then you
can guide some others, too.

Couldn’t    we  get it  from    babies? I   mean,   couldn’t    we  learn   from    babies?

Yes,    hang    around  with    them.   They    know    it.
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