Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1

anymore. The papayas have all been genetically modified so you open it up
and you used to think,
I’ll take these seeds and I’ll put them in the ground
and I’ll grow some papayas.
You’re not allowed to do that anymore. You
have to go to Monsanto to do that.

Oh, we  have    so  much    more    to  say to  you.

I don’t want to open a watermelon that doesn’t have any seeds in it
because it’s been genetically modified.

Have    all of  them    been    genetically modified?

Ninety-nine percent on  Maui    have,   yes.

Then pick the one that hasn’t and revel in it. And say, “This feels best to me.
This is what I support. This is what I promote.” Because when you push against
what you don’t want, you practice that vibration of unwanted. And then Law of
brings Monsanto to you to give you what you are vibrationally asking

It’s    not fair    when    it’s    my  ... This    is  something   that    really, really—

Well, if you were talking about things you don’t care about, you wouldn’t
have launched these powerful rockets of desire. If you were talking about
something that you don’t care about, you wouldn’t have just enlisted the Non-
Physical Energy that creates worlds to support you. In other words, this
conversation has catapulted this to a place that it never has been before. The
Universe has expanded as a result of this conversation. You cannot find a
solution if you don’t poke around a little bit at the problem. Just don’t get carried
away in the poking around at the problem, because you cannot find a solution
while you are poking at the problem. The problem and the solution are different
vibrational frequencies.

The blame you feel, no matter how justified you are, does not lead you to the
solution, you see. Have you ever had an argument with someone and you know
you are right? You tell them what you think. Don’t they just come on stronger
and stronger and stronger and stronger? It is pouring gasoline on a fire.

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