130 CultureShock! China
Shaoxing wine is a common ingredient used to cook food in
the regions of eastern China.
It is a tradition in the north to keep wines in big covered
wooden vats. When frequenting a restaurant that specialises
in northern cuisine, it is a treat to watch the wait staff pull
off the lid of the vats and scoop fragrant cups of wine out
for your consumption.
In China, pi jiu (beer) is a very common social drink,
quantities of large bottles are consumed in small hole-in-
the-wall neighbourhood restaurants to accompany three-
hour dinners complete with drinking games and toasts. The
Germans introduced beer brewing to their concession city
of Qingdao. The tradition of brewing and drinking beer has
since spread across China.
Eating Basics
Eating in China is all about enjoying the food and the
company. The one thing that novices tend to focus on
when starting their China eating adventure is their skill with
chopsticks. This comsumes their attention to the point that
they are oblivious to all of the other intricacies and nuances
that make up a Chinese meal.
Using a spoon and your chopsticks together is perfectly
acceptable in Chinese eating etiquette. Many restaurants in
major cities will also have knives and forks handy should
you require them.
A standard Chinese place setting includes chopsticks
resting on a holder, a large plate, a small plate and a small
bowl with a spoon in it. At nicer restaurants, there will be a
smaller plate nested in a larger one, and a single stand that
both your chopsticks and a metal spoon rest against, instead
of the porcelain spoon.
In a restaurant with good service, the meal will begin
with the waiter or waitress taking the paper cover off your
chopsticks, tucking your napkin under your plate so that it
drapes into your lap and offering you tea. There will be a rolled
wet napkin to your left for you to wipe your hands before you
begin eating. At some restaurants, the table setting includes a