Culture Shock! China - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette, 2nd Edition

(Kiana) #1
Enjoying the Culture 167



Poetry and Writing

China is the only country in the
world with a literature written
in one language for more than
3,000 consecutive years. China
has a very old and rich tradition in literature and the
dramatic and visual arts. Early writings generally derived
from philosophical or religious essays such as the works of
Confucius (551–479 BC) and Lao-tzu (probably 4th century BC).
These writings were often about how people should act and
how the society and political system should be organised.
China had a strong tradition of historical writing. One of
the earliest historians, still published today, is Sima Qian,
the historian for the Qin Dyansty of 221 BC. His Historical
Records have been an honoured classic, read around the
world since AD 8.
China’s most famous 20th century writer was poet Lu
Xun. His poetry, essays and novels focused on China’s need
to modernise through revolution. Although held up as a
hero in modern-day China, his counterparts that write of
change in China’s social fabric are often banned from being
published in China. Recent examples are Gao Xingjian who
wrote Soul Mountain and One Man’s Bible. There is also the
self-absorbed, decadent child of modern China, Wei Hui,
who wrote Shanghai Baby.


Chinese opera together with Greece tragic-comedy and Indian
Sanskrit Opera are the three oldest dramatic art forms in
the world. During the Tang Dynasty (618–907), the Emperor
Taizong established the first official opera school. Since
the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368), Chinese opera has been
encouraged by court officials and emperors and has become
a traditional art form. During the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911),
Chinese opera became fashionable among ordinary people.
Performances were watched in tea-rooms, restaurants and
even around makeshift stages.

One of China’s most famous
novels is Dream of the Red
Chamber, which—typical of
many early novels—was written
anonymously. Many authors felt
it was beneath their station to
be associated with this type of
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