228 CultureShock! China
The American Chamber of Commerce
Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)
British Chamber of Commerce
Canada China Business Council
China Australia Chamber of Commerce
European Union Chamber of Commerce
Finland Trade Centre (Finpro) China
French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China
French Trade Commission
Delegation of German Industry and Commerce (AHK)
Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce
Italian Trade Commission
Japanese Chamber of Commerce
Korean Chamber of Commerce
Swiss Chamber of Commerce
There are additional business resources that are not
focused on citizens of a specific country or anchored to a
single geography. The most useful of them are:
The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of
Commerce (APCAC)
Website: http://www.apcac.org
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Website: http://www.ccpit.org
The Economist Group
Website: http://www.economistgroup.com
Quality Brands Protection Committee
Website: http://www.qbpc.org.cn
The United States Chamber of Commerce
Website: http://www.uschamber.com
The United States-China Business Council
Website: http://www.uschina.org
In addition, almost every key industry in China has a
local industry association that supervises it. These groups
are quasi-government organisations which collect views
and implement business regulations to guide their business
sectors within China.