From Classical Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory

(Romina) #1
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 145

Notice|〈φ, ψ〉|^2 =|〈ψ,φ〉|^2 , so the probability transition of the state determined
byψon the state determined byφcoincides with the analogous probability where
the vectors are swapped. This fact is,apriori, highly non-evident in physics.
Since we have introduced a new notion of state, the axiom concerning the col-
lapse of the state (Sect. 2.2.8) must be improved in order to encompass all states of
S(H). The standard formulation of QM assumes the following axiom (introduced
by von Neumann and generalized by L ̈uders) about what occurs to the physical
system, in stateρ∈S(H) at timet, when subjected to the measurement of an
elementary observableP∈L(H), if the latter is true (so in particulartr(ρP)>0,
prior to the measurement). We are referring tonon-destructivetesting, also known
asindirect measurementorfirst-kind measurement, where the physical system ex-
amined (typically a particle) is not absorbed/annihilated by the instrument. They
are idealised versions of the actual processes used in labs, and only in part they

Collapse of the state revisited. If the quantum system is in stateρ∈S(H)
at timetand propositionP∈L(H) is true after a measurement at timet,the
system’s state immediately afterwards is:




In particular, ifρis pure and determined by the unit vectorψ, the state immedi-
ately after measurement is still pure, and determined by:

ψP= Pψ


Obviously, in either caseρP andψPdefine states. In the former, in fact,ρP is
positive of trace class, with unit trace, while in the latter||ψP||=1.

Remark 2.3.29.
(a)Measuring a property of a physical quantity goes through the interaction
between the system and an instrument (supposed to be macroscopic and obeying
the laws of classical physics). Quantum Mechanics, in its standard formulation,
does not establish what a measuring instrument is, it only says they exist; nor
is it capable of describing the interaction of instrument and quantum system set
out in the von Neumann L ̈uders’ postulate quoted above. Several viewpoints and
conjectures exist on how to complete the physical description of the measuring
process; these are called, in the slang of QM,collapse,orreduction,of the
stateorof the wavefunction(see[ 5 ]for references).

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