A Reader in Sociophonetics

(backadmin) #1

264 Nancy Niedzielski

Lambert, Wallace E. 1967. A social psychology of bilingualism. Journal of Social
Issues 23 (2): 91–109.
Lippi-Green, Rosina. 1997. English with an accent. London: Routledge.
Long, Daniel and Dennis Preston, eds. 2002. Handbook of perceptual dialectology,
vol. 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Meyerhoff, Miriam, and Nancy Niedzielski. 1994. Resistance to creolization: An inter-
personal and intergroup account. Language and Communication 14 (4): 313–330.
Niedzielski, Nancy. 1999. The effect of social information on the perception of socio-
linguistic variables. Journal of Language and Social Psychology (Special issue:
Attitudes, perception, and linguistic issues, ed. by Lesley Milroy and Dennis R.
Preston) 18: 162–185.
Niedzielski, Nancy and Dennis Preston. 1999. Folk linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de
Preston, Dennis R. 1989. Perceptual dialectology. Dordrecht: Foris.
Vitevitch, M. S. 2003. Change deafness: The inability to detect changes in talkers’
voices. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Perfor-
mance 29: 333–342.

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