A Reader in Sociophonetics

(backadmin) #1
Avant-garde Dutch 363

measured to be ca. 150 ms. Segmentation lines have been drawn at the onset
and offset of the target diphthong (0 and 100% duration, respectively), as well
as at one, two and three quarters of the diphthong durations (25, 50, and 75%
duration, respectively). The center frequencies of F1 and F2 extracted at the
three temporal measurement points are listed below the ¿ gure. The ¿ gure
shows that the /͑i/ token is a true diphthong. F1 starts at a rather high frequency
(over 800 Hz) and drops to lower values as time progresses. This reÀ ects the
closing gesture made during the articulation of the diphthong. At the same time
the F2 steadily rises, thereby widening the gap between the ¿ rst and second
formant, a sign of the tongue shifting to a more fronted articulation.

Figure 15.3 Oscillogram, wide-band spectrogram and superimposed formant tracks
for F1 and F2 of an utterance containing /͑i/, as spoken by a female
speaker. Formant values (in Hertz) extracted at 25, 50, and 75% of the
duration of the diphthong are listed below the ¿ gure.

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