Avant-garde Dutch 377
are indeed held by people from the west of the Netherlands and those from
the east. In this respect, too, Stroop (1998) seems to have been right about
the social meaning of Avant-garde Dutch in present day Dutch society. Our
evaluation data show that the new variety is powered by young, assertive and
highly educated women both in the west and the east of the country. They
consistently hold more positive attitudes towards this variety, making it plau-
sible that they speak it more consistently as well.
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ond time a few days later. His within-rater consistency was found to be consider-
able, with r = 0.82 (N = 32, p < 0.001).
2 When formant values are rescaled to Bark, the numerical difference (F1–F2;
F2–F1, etc.) is preferred over the ratio.
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