/a/ fronting 223–239
accent, see regional accent, foreign
accent, prominence, stress, 2
accommodation 76, 146, 254
actuation (problem) 293
adolescent language 91–132
adstratum 118
af¿ x 4, 44, 46–49
affrication 112, 114, 120
African American (Vernacular) English
8–9, 11, 73, 245–247, 251, 265–285,
289–326, 380, 395–396, 398
age (and age-grading) 1, 42, 46–47,
75–76, 87, 91–132, 147–148, 177,
180–184, 192, 200–201, 225, 248,
254–255–256, 295, 358–359, 369,
374 –376
Akustyk 2, 76, 164
Alabama 209
Albuquerque (US) 16
amplitude 5, 9–10, 102, 117, 134–135,
148, 150, 271–272, 292–293, 331–332,
339–344, 348–349, 351
apical 79, 85–86, 88
Appalachian (US) English 73, 245–247
Arabic 4, 91–132
attention to speech 387388
attitudes (language) 10, 94, 194, 218,
253, 258, 261, 290, 370–376, 394–
395, 402
authenticity (of language) 10, 122–123,
228, 290, 292, 388
avant-garde Dutch see Dutch
banlieue see suburban French
Bark scale 10, 226–227, 245, 249, 272,
314–315, 323, 362, 364–365, 376–377
Belfast 18, 30, 393
Berber 4, 94, 99, 125
bidialectalism 379–380
bi l i ng u a l i s m 10 0, 116 , 118 –119, 125, 379
brain imaging 253, 257
breathy phonation 272, 276, 331, 339,
344, 349, 351
Breton 124
British English dialects 20, 23–25,
Cal l Fr ie nd cor pu s 14 4, 146 –147,
154 –159, 161, 163 –166
Canadian English 223
Catalan 98, 104
categorical perception 204, 207–209
Cepstral Peak Prominence 272
Chicano English 9, 289, 314
child speech 9, 92, 327–356
chromaticity 250
cités see suburban French
class (social) see status
coarticulatory effects 42–45, 58, 64,
71–73, 76, 78–86, 88
coastal Spanish 144, 147, 161, 166
Cochran, Johnnie L. 2
Cognitive Prominence Principle 136–
137, 139, 142–144, 158–159, 161
community of practice 122, 393
conscious see implicit (awareness),
subconscious, 16
consonant articulation 64, 96, 99, 106
consonant cluster reduction 64, 290
consonant deletion 112
consonant formants 296, 301–304, 307
conversation analysis 138–139
Copenhagen 93, 124
correctness (of language varieties) 11,
198, 247, 258–259, 401–403
costeño Spanish see coastal Spanish
covert prestige 20, 183–184, 199
creaky voice 314, 320, 331, 334, 339, 344
cross-cultural communication 163
cross-over (in vowel perception)
232–233, 235–236
Cutler’s Corollary (to the Cognitive
Prominence Principle) 137–138, 153