A way of allowing the stream of consciousness to flow smoothly by
writing whatever comes to mind
in this phase, it is important to let your mind wander without
restricting it
it is important to not care about grammar in this phase as it will
disrupt the flow of ideas
Choose Relevant Documents: Select different types of documents that
can help you choose a topic and develop it.
Identify Your Topic: After encountering these documents, identify a
topic that interests you based on what you've read. This topic can serve
as the foundation for your writing.
Related Questions: Formulate related questions about your chosen
topic. These questions will help guide your exploration and analysis of
the subject matter.
Evaluate Author's Perspective: When reading any document, critically
evaluate the author's perspective. Consider their main idea and the
evidence or support they provide for it.
Judge the Author's Argument: Assess the author's argument by
weighing the strength of their points. This process helps you not only
understand the author's viewpoint but also develop your own opinions
and insights.
Annotated Bibliography: In research-based essay assignments, your
instructor may require you to keep track of your critical reading by
creating an annotated bibliography. This helps you document and
analyze the sources you've read, which can be valuable in research