A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1


1.Resilient x Unyielding

elastic,having the power of spruning back
Highly resilient steel makes excellent bed springs

2.Restive x placid

restlessly imaptient,obstinately resisting control waiting
impatiently inline to see Santaclause,even the best behaved
childrengrow restiva and start to fidget.

3.Retentive x forgetful

holding,having a good memory
the pupil did not need to spend much time in study as he
had a retentive mind

4.reticence x loquaciousness
reserved,uncommunicative,inclined to silence
fearing his competition might get advance word about his
plans from talkitive staff memebers Huges preferred
reticent employees to loquacious ones.

5.Retrograde x progressing
backwards degenerate
instead of advancing our civilization seems to have
retrogarded in ethics and culture

6.reverie x dishonor
she was awakened from her reverie by the teachers question

7.rife x scant
in the face of the many rumore of scandal which are rife
at the momment it is best to remain silent

8.robust x weak
after pumping vion and taking karate for six months the
little old lady was far more robust in health and could
break a plank with her fist

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