A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

9.rotunoity xslimness
roundness,sonorousness of speech
Washington Irving emphasized the rotunoity of the
governor by describing his height and circumference

10.rubble x unbrokenstone
ten years after world war II some of the rubbles left by
enemy bombings could still be seen

11.ruddy x war
reddish,healthy looking
SantaClause's ruddy cheeks nicely complement Radolph
the Reindeer's bright red nose

12.Rudimentary x developed
not developed,elementary,crude
Although my grandmother's english vocabulary was limited
to a few rudimentary phrases,she always could make
herself understood

13.rueful x content
Uma rrued thae night she met sowjy and wondered how
she ever fell for such a jerk

14.rustic x urban
pertaining to country people,uncount
The backwoodman looked out of place in his rustic attire.

15.ruthless x merciful
CAptain Hook was a dangerous ,ruthless villain who would
stop at nothingt to destroy Peter pan.



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