A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. a. decadent b. pauper
    c. mendicant d. destitute
    Ans: (a)
    decadent = one who is degenerate.
    All other words are related to ‘ beggar’.

  2. a. bewilder b. perplex
    c. baffle d. scintillate
    Ans: (d)
    scintillate = sparkle (light), bo brilliant.
    All other words are realted to ‘ confusion’.

  3. a. bicker b. quarrel
    c. wrangle d. inveigle
    Ans: (d)
    inveigle = to ensure by cajolery.
    All other words are related to ‘disagremant,dispute’.

  4. a. anarchy b. chaos
    c. pandemonium d. shield
    Ans: (d)
    shield = a protective plate , a trophy.
    All other words are related to ‘ confusion’.

  5. a. propitiate b. conciliate
    c. appeare d. appreciate
    Ans: (d)
    appreciate = to estimnate,to raise the value.
    All other words are related to ‘ pacify’.

  6. a. spurious b. atrocious
    c. apocryphal d. unauthentic
    Ans: (b)
    atrocious = extermely cruel, wicked.
    All other words are related to ‘ flaseness’.

  7. a. append b. swarm
    c. annex d. attach
    Ans: (b)
    swarm = large group of animals.
    All other words are related to ‘ addition’.

  8. a. severe b. strenuous
    c. rigorous d. excruciate
    Ans: (a)

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