A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1


It is easy enough to understand that insurers don’t like to insure

property in places where natural disasters are likely to happen .The

term prone to in[e] mean s having a tendency to, so it is correct.

2.Roman Regions ------ the Mountain ------ of Masada for three years

before they were able to seize it .[C]

a) dissembled------ bastion b)assailed ---- symbol

c)besieged ----citadel d) surmounted ------ dwelling

e)honed---- stronghold


If it took Roman regions three years to seize Masada , we can

predictthat they spent a long time “surrounding or isolating”

the mountain fortress or strong hold of Masada before they were

finally able to take it [c] is the best choice. [b] assailed ,

meaning “attacked” would make sense. And [e] strong hold and [a]

bastion would fit too. But [a] ,[b],[e] ‘ s first position words

don’t make sense when plugged in.

Besieged : Surrounded with armed forces.

Citadel : fortress

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