A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

Fero To bear,carry

Vociferous-rejoinder carries a lot of voice

somniferous-carrying or bringing sleep

Avunculus Uncle Avuncular-like an uncle;protective

Dorsum Back

Dorsal-referring to the back side


Vox,vocis Voice


vociferate-say loudly and with great vehemence

Somnus Sleep


somnambulistic-pertaining to sleep walking

insomnious-unable to fall asleep

Ambulo To walk

Ambulatory-able to walk,after being bedridden

amble-walk aimlessly

Per Through

Perambulate-stroll through;walk around

perambulater-baby carriage

Sopor Sleep Soporific-causing sleep,sleeping pill

in- Negative suffix

Incoherence-inarticulateness(inability to get

words out)

insomnious-wakefull,unable to fall asleep

-ity Noun suffix

Banality-lack of originality;lack of imagination in

speech,actions;hackneyed or phraseology

Magnus Big,large,great Magniloquent

Opero To work Operator-magnum opus work

Garrio To chatter Garrulous

Verbum Word Verbatim

Volvo;volutus To roll revolution

Dico,dictus To say,tell

Dictatorial-words that signify telling others what

to do


contradict-to say against

addiction-a saying towards




Placating-an angry colleague,you turn that

person's hostile attitude into one that is friendly

-ive, -ory Adjuctive suffix Placative,placatory

im-(in-) Not,negative prefix Infidelity,infidel,implacability

Com,con,col,cor With,together

Complacent-you are pleased with yourself

condone-to forgive,overlook,

pardon(or)be uncritical of

colloquial- when people speak together they are

engaging in conversation

Dono To give

Donor-one who gives

donation-a gift
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