A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

19.Abut = border upon

Usage : where our estates abut , we must build a fence

20.Abortive = unsuccessful, fruitless

Synonyms- B

Synonyms- B

Shakespeare is a great poet(Bard).
2.Boretaced:Shameless,bold Shocked by Huck finn's boretaced lies,Miss Watson prayed the
good lord would give him a sense of his regenerate dickedness.
3.Bask:luxuriate,take pleasure in warmth.
Basking on the beach,she relaxed so completely that shell fell
asleep. 4.Bate:let down,restrain.
Until it was to open the presents,the children had to bate their
5.Beatific:giving bliss,blissful.
The beatificsmile on the child's face made us very happy.
6.Beeline:Direct,Quick route.
As soon as the movie was over,jim made a beeline for the exit.
7.Behoove:Be suited to.
In this time of crisis,it behooves all of us to remain calm
and await the instruction of our superiors.
8.Belie:Contradict,give a false impression.
His coarse,hard bitten exterior belied his innate sensitivity.
He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero.
The Con man specialized in bilking insurance companies.
11.Bland:Soothing or mild,agreeable.
Jill tried a bland ointment for her sun burn.
Although age had blanched his hair,he was still energetic.

  1. Bicker:Quarrel.
    The children bickered morning,noon and night ,exasperating
    their parents.
    14.Blurt:utter impulsively.
    Before she could stop him,he blurted out the news.
    The recent rains that filled our empty reservoirs
    were a boon to the whole community.
    16.Brawn:Muscular strenght,sturdiness.
    It takes brawnto become a champion weight-lifter.
    The dean would brook no interference with his disciplinnary
    18.Brittle:easily broken,difficult.
    My employer's brittle personality made it difficult for me
    to get along with her.
    19.Broach:Introduce,open up.
    He did not even try to broach the

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