A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Felon : person convicted of a grave crime.

A convicted felon loses the right to vote.

  1. Ferret : drive or hunt out of hiding.

She ferreted out their secret.

  1. Fete : honor at a festival

The returning hero was feted at a community supper and

  1. Flay : strip off skin , plunder

The criminal was condemned to be flayed alive.

  1. Fleece : rob , plunder

The tricksters fleeced him of his inheritance.

12.Flinch : hesitate , shrink

She did not flinch in the face of danger but tought back

13.Finesse : delicate , skill

The finesse and adroitness of the
surgeon impressed the observers in the operation room.

14.Filch : steal

The boys filched apples from fruit stand.

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