A Marxist Philosophy of Language (Historical Materialism)

(Kiana) #1

been said. Finally, it might be thought that thesis six is not illustrated here,
for the slogans – composed in standard French – scarcely cause the language
to stammer. And yet...The sexual allusion of the first slogan functions in a
vulgar register, immediately denied by the end of the sentence: here, two
dialects contradict one another for expressive purposes. That this vulgarity
is bound up with a sexual allusion only illustrates the functioning of the
standard usage of the language as an instrument of domination.
In short, it seems to me clear that Deleuze and Guattari, despite their distant
and critical relationship to Marxism, provide elements for constructing a
specifically Marxist philosophy of language. The next chapter is going to
develop its six main theses.

138 • Chapter Five

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