naturalism (in Chomsky) 24, 35–6, 39,
50, 101, 121, 154, 205
neo-liberalism 60
Nettle, Daniel 6n4
New Labour 222
Nietzsche, Friedrich 132, 156
Noosphere (de Chardin) 41
order-words (Deleuze and Guattari)
99, 102, 110, 130–1, 133, 137, 203,
Panaccio, Claude 111n10
Parnet, Claire 15, 123n21
parole see langue/parole
party 127
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 74, 213
‘Dal laboratorio (appunti en poèteper
una linguistica marxista)’ 75, 82–8
patois 188–9
Pêcheux, Michel 74, 208, 209
pensions 130, 221
Perfettini, F.M. 192n22
performativity (Butler) 97
Perrot, Marie-Dominique 217–19
phenomenonology 56, 176–8
phonocentrism (Derrida) 54
Piaget, Jean 29, 56
Polivanov, Vevgeny Dmitrievich 190
Popper, Karl 50, 56
postmodernism 119
practice 150–1
see alsolanguage, as praxis
pragmatics 67, 131, 142
Habermas and 46, 47–9, 54
Lacan and 178
political 129
slogans and 97
in Voloshinov 107, 109, 113, 115
presupposition (Perrot) 218
process 140–1
public relations 65, 222
reflexive parts of speech
pronouns 29, 33–4
verbs 30–1
Reich, Wilhelm 127
remainder (Lecercle) 163, 180
reported speech seeindirect speech
Revel, Jacques 187–8
revolution (1917) 97, 99, 133
as legal retribution 133
see alsoconjuncture; event; Lenin;
Rights of Man 190
rituals 166
Robinson, William Heath 126
Romaine, Suzanne 6n4
Rossi-Landi, Ferrucio 74
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 85
Rwanda 164
Sartre, Jean Paul 4
Saussure, Ferdinand de 3, 10–11, 16,
Chomsky and 34, 41–4
Voloshinov on 112
Scarry, Elaine 184
Schmitt, Carl 59, 61
scientists 40–1, 44, 67
Searle, John 46, 49, 53, 67, 167
Shakespeare, William 187
sign 106–7
situation (Sartre/Debord) 161
socialism 208
Sohn-Rethel, Alfred 74, 96
speech act (Searle) 167–8
Sperber, Dan 132
spin 103, 220–3
Spinoza, Benedict 121, 134
SPS (Spontaneous Philosophy of
Scientists) seeAlthusser, on scientists
Stalin, Josef 73, 146, 156
Althusser on 75
Chomsky and 51
Foucault and 119
Marr and 11, 86–7, 110, 183
Pasolini and 84, 86, 87–8
Marxism and Linguistics 74–83
Stanislavsky, Konstantin 109
state capitalism 127
Steiner, George 111
Stirner, Max 196
structuralism 16, 42
as deficient 140, 160
Chomsky and 24
style 15, 168, 194, 209, 211, 213
de-subjectified 216
Sun 1–3, 132
superstructure seebase/superstructure
synchrony 10–11, 71, 121, 140
as deficient 144, 153
as ideology 69
syntax 154
Tarski, Alfred 171
tautology (Perrot) 219
telementation (Harris) 94
teleology (Derrida) 58, 120
Thao, Tran Duc 58, 74, 147, 178, 187, 195
myth of origins and 149
thesei/phusei(Milner) 24, 33, 42
Thomas, Dylan 8
threats 47, 52–3
Index • 235