A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1
FG and the dynamics of discourse 237

  1. The marked ‘heavy’ Themes move an informational Focus to the front
    (ContrFoc, in LIBMSEC normally uttered on a high level), and at the same
    time, the Subject, which would not be in focus in CWO counterparts, also
    acquires focal status (in LIBMSEC usually with Falling tones) and is
    thereby put ‘on stage’.

  2. In LIBMSEC the rhematic area of there-constructions was found to be lexi-
    cally and informatively four times heavier than the thematic part (8 vs 2).

  3. According to the results reported for LIBMSEC, most EMTs are obtained
    by the presence of a prefield TT, thereby having a high-low or combined
    orientation, that is, structural or conjunctive Themes (e.g. and, but), linking
    hypotactic or paratactic clause complexes, or continuatives (e.g. em, well,
    so), punctuating an exchange and staging discourse turns.


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