A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1

42 Matthew P. Anstey

(Dik 1997a, 1997b) is not that different from FG 2. So, assuming the reader
is familiar with FG2/3, we will focus solely on those developments that led
to Hengeveld’s FG 4 , except to notice that FG2/3 adopts Hengeveld’s layered
structure of the clause but collapses the two tiers (interpersonal and repre-
sentational) into a single tier.^34 Thus, the structure is as follows.

(16) π 4 Ei: [π 3 Xi: [π 2 ei: [π 1 [predβ (ω x 1 )n] σ 1 ] σ 2 ] σ 3 ] σ 4

6.2. The impact of Simon Dik’s death

Simon Dik fell ill in 1992 and died three years later, doing little new re-
search in this period.^35 To fulfil the goal of a second volume to FG 2
(TFG2), it was decided to publish FG 3 in such a way that “the text pre-
sented ... is intended to reflect Simon Dik’s views as closely as possible”
(Hengeveld in Dik 1997b: viii). And since between 1989 and 1992 he was
preoccupied with computer implementations of FG 2 , FG 3 is almost identi-
cal to FG 2 , except for the two chapters on term structure, which were
revised to take into account (aspects of) the work of Rijkhoff (1992). TFG2
is of course all new material, but theoretically is mostly an application of
TFG1. Xinzhang Yang (2000) and Verstraete (2000) provide reviews of

6.2.1. Hengeveld’s Layered Structure

Hengeveld continued after FG 2 to develop his layered structure. In 1990, he
for the first time presents the notation complete with operators and satel-
lites,^36 including a new σ 5 ‘clause satellite’. The model is now (Hengeveld

(17) E 1 : [π 4 ILL:σ 4 (S) (A) (π 3 X 1 : [predication] (X 1 ): σ 3 (X 1 ))] (E 1 ):σ 5 (E 1 )

π 2 e 1 : [π 1 predβ:σ 1 (ω x 1 : predN (x 1 ))n] (e 1 ): σ 2 (e 1 )

Rijkhoff (1992) made a substantial contribution to the layered structure
of the clause with his proposals for noun phrase structure. A fascinating
observation he made was the parallel between NP structure and the struc-
ture of the extended predication, whereby nouns have operators (ω) and
satellites (θ) in three layers, as represented in his (simplified) NP structure:

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