2020-02-10 The New Yorker

(Sean Pound) #1
few friends believed her account of
what had occurred; everyone else de-
fended her violent attacker or simply
refused to accept the evidence.
As a young woman in high school,
I am told that I have more rights than
the women who came before me.
Smith’s story, however, makes me think
Talia Winiarsky
New York City

Louis Menand, in his informative piece
on affirmative action, might have added
that, for centuries, the United States
has had something akin to affirmative
action for white people (Books, Janu-
ary 20th). As was highlighted on the
excellent podcast “Seeing White,” many
of these measures have had to do with
landownership. In 1618, the headright
system enticed Europeans to settle in
Virginia in exchange for land, and the
Homestead Act of 1862 provided land
in the West, benefitting whites dispro-
portionately. The story was not much
different in the mid-twentieth century.
For example, in the nineteen-thirties,
forties, and fifties, the Federal Hous-
ing Authority gave mortgage loans to
homeowners in predominantly white
communities; it is estimated that less
than two per cent of the loans went to
African-Americans. Menand closes his
piece by asking if white liberals “be-
lieve that there should be no sacrifice
to make or price to pay for the system-
atic damage done to the lives of mil-
lions of American citizens and the men
and women who are their ancestors.”
It is important for white people to un-
derstand that this damage happened
in more ways than many of us realize.
Harvey Teres
Syracuse, N.Y.


Brittany Smith’s case, as portrayed in
Elizabeth Flock’s powerful article
about abused women and the Stand
Your Ground defense, demonstrates
that, despite increased awareness of
gender-based violence, more work
must be done to address the public
perception of the problem (“A Vio-
lent Defense,” January 20th). It may
seem as if Smith’s case arose solely
out of a familiar cycle of violence and
impunity, and of women not report-
ing abuse. Yet, as Flock makes clear,
this seemingly simple cycle is in fact
a more complicated and nuanced phe-
nomenon, owing to the burying of
evidence. This can involve hiding the
abuser’s past behavior toward the sur-
vivor and others, and unfairly classi-
fying injuries from abuse. Flock’s os-
tensibly small observations reveal a
different story than we may be accus-
tomed to hearing.
In order to combat the prevailing
view of violence against women, we
must look more critically at isolated,
inept police bureaucracies; incompe-
tent defense attorneys; and a society
that pathologizes and punishes victims
of assault. I hope Flock’s article spurs
people not only to rally for justice for
Smith but also to push for structural
change, so that women are not unjustly
imprisoned for defending themselves
after being nearly killed.
Kathleen R. Arnold
Chicago, Ill.

In my U.S. history class, we discussed
Virginia’s recent vote to approve the
Equal Rights Amendment, which sym-
bolically provided the final ratification
needed to amend the Constitution. I
found this important historical mo-
ment jarring when considered along-
side Flock’s report, which made me feel
as though I were reading about a differ-
ent United States altogether. Alabama’s
law-enforcement and judicial systems
have failed Brittany Smith in every way.
After being raped, she was treated as
a perpetrator. Only her family and a

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name,
address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to
[email protected]. Letters may be edited
for length and clarity, and may be published in
any medium. We regret that owing to the volume
of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.



The exhibition is made possible by the William Randolph Hearst
Foundation, the Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund, the Diane W. and
James E. Burke Fund, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,
Laura G. & James J. Ross, and The International Council of
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Equestrian, 19th–20th century. Bamana peoples. MBougouni District. Private collection. ali, Ouassabo,




Through May 10
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