Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1
Papers 2 and 3


Part 3
Errorcorrection(e.g. page 42)
This questionrequires you to correctmistakesin a text. You are given atextin
which thereis onemistakein most of thelines. One markis awarded per line,
whetherfor successf ullycorrectinga mistake or for recognizinga correctline and
markingit witha tick(,I).Themistakes are all of a similartype: the instructions
tell you what kindof mistakes to be looking out for.
The possible types are

  • one unnecessaryword.

  • punctuation and spelling.
    Thisis one of the quest ionsin Paper 3 that can contributemosttowards
    developingyourw ritingskills. Apart from the opportunity it affordsfor workon
    grammar, punct uation andspelling,it givespractice which willhelp youin
    correctingyour own writing.

AdviceonansweringP art 3
1 Head the ques tionca re fu lly. Make sureyou know whatkindofmistake you' re
looki ngfor, and bowy Ollmust writ eiton youranswersheet.
2 Headth e who letex t through first.
3 Don't makeunne ce ssary 'co rrect ions' while ignoringobviousandse rious
m istakes :lookforth e hig mistakesfirst.
4 About 20% ofthe line s arecorrect.Don't forge tto mark any lineswher e yo u
cannotfindany mistake s witha tick(v").
O ll e1lI111ccessaryicord.
1 Fora wordto he anerrorin thi s que stio nitis eithergramm atically incor rect orit
doe snotfitinwiththe mea ning of the text.

  1. T he gram mar mistakesca n include word orde randprepositions or article s where
    th e re shouldn't he any.
    3 T he mist ake s in me aning can include connectingwordsoreve nne gatives that
    seem towor kgrammatically,hut in fact don't make sense.
    4 Ineverycase, make su rethat the sentenceas a who leis correctand reads well
    once th e unnecessaJ)'word has beendele ted.
    Pu nctuation and. s pelling
    1 Do the pun ctuationwork in thi s book(p age s 29-37). Not onlywillit he lpYOIl
    withthis question,hutit will alsoimprove yourwriting.
    2 The punctuationerrors inthis que stion arebasic mistakes.Look out for:

    • miss ingcap ita l letters.

    • bracke ts or speech marksthat openbut do notclose.

    • que stio nsth at arenotmark ed witha questionmark.
      3 If a com ma is 'optional'(se e p age 33) you will usuallyfind th at there is a real
      mistake elsewherein the line ,often a spelling mistake.
      I f you have seriousp roble ms withspelling, re ad moreandstudy therulesfor
      E nglish spe lling(see ·Spelling· inMichae l Swan :PracticalEllgli shUSllge,O UP).

Part 4
Wordformation(e.g .page 50)
Part 4 consistsof t wodifferenttexts, each witheightgaps. For each gap you are
given a 'promptword '. You fill t he gapby changing the prompt word so that it
fitsinto thetext.
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