Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1

Unit6 • Formalletters

1.1 Reservations and bookings

A Model DearSir or Madam,

This letter is to confirm the reservation I made
b~ telephone this morning, for onesingle room
~lth shower, for the nights of 11 Mayto 16 Ma
Lnc.lusive. Y
As ag7eed, I e nc l o s e a cheque for £50 as a
depoSIt. Couldyou please acknoWledge receipt?
Yours faithfully

100 • Task types

BPart 1 writingtask
You are workingin the London officeof aninternationalorganizationcalled The
Happy Planet.You have to rnake arrangernents for a conferenceata hotel.Read
the note frorn Julia, the letter from Clausand the mes sagefromPaulo,anduse
theinformation theycontain to write yourletterto the RoyalHotel (about 250

Monday Feb8th, 11 a .m.

Iphonedthehotel t he tour ist board recommended,tocheckthe
pr ices and seeif t hey could t a keus. Theysoundedideal,soI
made apr ovisiona lbookingfort het hreenights(SatSept3rd-
MonSept5th).It's The RoyalHotel,SevernSt,Cardiff, andthe
ConferenceMa nageris calledMrsLumley.

When yougettherestofthedetailsfrom Claus, could youwrite
tothemandtellthemexactlywhatwe need? Saveme theroom
withthe biggestbath!

J ulia

Ijusthad aphonecall fromChantalwho'sthe
delegates(Marcel Blainville)isd isabled: eo
could youmentiontothehotelthatheIIbe
cominginhis wheelchair?Secondly.sixofthe
Frenchdelegatesare very keentoseethe
ArmsParkthatSaturdayafternoon- eocould

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