Leaflets, brochures and informationsheets
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10A Leaflets, brochuresand informationsheets
Leafletsandbrochuresare printeddocuments, usually illustrated,distributedfree.
Theirfunctions can includecommercialadvertising,persuasion (political,religious,
etc .) andinformation.
Brochurestendto be thicker, highlyillustrated booklets.
Leafletsareoftensinglesheets of paper, often folded in three, with a balance of
text and illustrations.
lntorrnationsheetsarealsousually single sheets of paper, not folded,with few
or noillu st rat ions.
The wordhandoutcan referto a leafletor an informationsheet.
Forthe purposes of the exam ,youare not r equired to illustrateyour work. In real
lif e,however, illustrations anddiagrams can,of course, be very appropriate.
1.0 Model
A Readt hismod elinformation sheetand chooset he best phrase givenbelow it
tofill in each of the blanks.Wri teone letter (A- L)in thegaps. Someof the
suggested answersdo not fit at all. The exercise begins with anexample (0).
HOMEOPATHY isan effectiveandscientific
system of healin gwhich assist s th e natural
tendencyofthe body to heal itself.It recognizes
thatall sy mpto msofill healt hare ex pressionsof
disharmony (O)~, and that it is the patient
who needs treat mentnotth e disease.
In 1796 a Germa n doctor, Samu elHah neman n,
discov ered adi fferent approac h to the cureofthe
sick which he calledhomeop athy (fromtheGreek
wo rds meanin g 's imila r suffering'). Like
132 • Tasktypes
Hippocrat es two tho usa nd years ear lie r, he
reali zedthat there weretwo ways (1)__, the
wayofopposites and the way of similars.
Take, for exampl e, acaseofinsomnia. Theway
ofopposites is to treat this by giv inga drug
(2)__. This frequently involves th e us e of
lar ge or regu lar dos esof drugs which can
somet imes causeside-ef fects or add ict io n.
Thewayofsimilars, thehomeopathi cway , i s
(3)_ _ aminut e doseofa substance which in
lar ge doses cau ses sleepl essness in a healthy
person. Surprising ly, thi s willenablethe patien t