tosleepnaturally.Becauseofthe minutedosage,
no side-effectsoraddictionwillresult.
Homeop athi crem edies wo rk by stimulat ing the
body's own heali ng power.This power is very
g reat (4) , butwhenthehea ling p rocess is
faulty,blocked, orslow, the homeopathicremedy
actsas a st imulusto the curative powers ofthe
body. To provid e thisstimulus, yo urhomeopath
must pres cribe(5) therightdosageforyou.
Whatwill myhomeopathneedtoknow?
In order to find the righ t rem edy, you r
hom eop ath willwanttoknow all abouty ou.You
willbe asked manyquesti on s aboutyourselfas
well as you r illness (6) , bothpresent and
past.The initialconsultationwill probably last
a n houror more.
Leaflets, brochures and information sheets • Module10A
Yourhom eop ath willgive you a remedy, often in
the form ofpills which should be allowed to
dissolveunderthe ton gue. Nothi ngelseshou ld
be put in the mouth for at least 20 minutes
(7)__, not even toothpasteor cigarettes.
Aftertakingthe remedy,youshouldnoticesome
changes.Forinstance, (8)_ _ you rsymptoms
appearworsefora shorttime. This is the remedy
takingeffect,andyou shouldfeelthe beginnings
of recovery when t his period has passed.
Altern at ively,patien ts often expe rience a period
o f exceptio na lwell- be inga ndo pt imism.
Awhat yo u personallyne ed
nwithinthe whole person
C therightrelll edyand
Dbeforeor altertaking the remedy
E somepeopl ecom plain
F to gi\"ethepatient
Gtobring on an artificial sleep
II oft reat iogill health
I itoccasionally happe ns that
J to achieve thede siredeffect
Kand alsoabout the healtho f yo urfam ily
L andlllallYco mplaints heal themselvesunaid ed
B Whatwasthe purpose ofthe home opathyinformationsheet? Who do you
thinkthe target readeris,andwhere wouldthe information sheet be distributed?
Tasktypes • 133