Tourism • Module10B
1.2 Writing
Part 2 writingtask
Next year, for thefirst time,a largegroup ofEnglish-speaking people will be
joining your sc hoolIcollegeIworkplaceforone year. On behalfof the studentsI
workers, write aninf ormati onsheet(about 2 50 word s) thatwelcomes them and
tells thembriefly somet hing about theorganizat ionandthefacilitiesit has to
offer. Include some adviceabout howthey can bes t fit inandenjoytheir stay.
Taskbank: Task 45
108 Tourism
1.0 Writingfor a tourist brochure
A A tourist brochure combinesinformationw ithadvertising .The brochure
informstouristsabout a town or region, butaboveall i t aims to persuade tourists
to come and, when they have come,to enjoythemselves(and spend their
money).Which of these two texts isthe int roductio n to a touristbrochure?
Welcometo Oxford
Oxfordhas many old buildings (in onesquaremile, there are
over 900) butnotallmonuments fromwhichyou ca n seeth e
whole city.The Univer sity consist s of 35 collegesin different
partsof the town. Man ygood bits of archit ectu re, as well as the
entra nces tosome ofthe colleges, may behardtofind.
W~;?~;s~~n~;fO~?eadamidst a ta ng leof 35
.. I differentcollegesandhallsin
hi storyareim p ress we y.
documentedinOxford's stree ts, various partsof theCIty cedn tre,
h I side by Side withsho psa n
houses,colleg esand~laPle s. offices Nordoes Oxford flaunt its
Withinonesquaremie aone,.
. hasmorethan 900 treasures;behinddepartment
theCIty. I storeslurkgrandPalladwn
buildingsoforchrtecturc or d s or half-hiddencran n ies
hi storicalinterest. oorway. Th
Forthevisitorthispresents a of medi evalarc~:tecture. be
challen e _ thereisnosin gle en tra n ce to aco egemay e
bUildin~thatdominatesOxford, tu ckeddOW~anarr~,:~~e:c,w::'
nofamous fortressorhuge andeven t en IS u n I
cathedralthatwill giveyou a Slgn pos te d. d ' 11 be
short-cutviewofthe city. Even Persevere,an you WI
Oxford'sfamous Universityis am ply rewarded...
a What is the differencebetweenthefir st andthesecondtext?
b Does the second textinclude anytectsthat areabsentin the firsttext?
c Whyis the secondtext so much longerthanthe first?
Tasktypes • 1 35